Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Bunday

The bonding is progressing, at this point it appears that it is all about Tyler and Amelia figuring things out in their own bun way. This sequence of photos was taken one after another over the space of less than a minute. The array of bun body language is, to me, fascinating.

"Kiss my head, oh unspotted bun of the pink eye."

Tyler approaches, this is his more subtle form of dominant posturing. When he and I were first getting to know each other he would do this, often, but I didn't realize what it was until he developed a more obvious form for the simple human.

"I'm not moving, spotty dude, you must kiss my vast whiteness."

He approaches and they touch, notice Amelia is so chill, so confident that her ears don't change. She is asking for dominant recognition from the most vulnerable of postures; supine.

"What the heck is he up to? am I supposed to be impressed."

Retreating Tyler periscopes, "I am big, check me out." Usually bunnies periscope to see more get a view of their surroundings. Clearly it can carry a message as well depending on the circumstance.

" I am still the ultimate bun-man, I am still the ultimate bun-man, I am still the ultimate bun-man, I still the ultimate bun-man (repeat 100 times."

After holding his periscope for a significant time, Tyler turns and washes his face. This has a taste of the self-comforting behavior, after all he has essentially been rejected as the dom-bun, but he has maintained his bun dignity.

Update: the gate is down now, whenever I am home, not just for feeding. There are some small chasings, but these lack ferocity. Sydney was seen licking Amelia's forehead. Tyler and Amelia are spending time napping and self grooming within 4 feet of each other.....


Glenna said...

Fascinating and dead-on characterizations of bun body-language. I love the face-smooshing for dominance.

Christina said...

Tyler you ARE still the man but honey you must accept the girls will almost always be in charge. Just look at what a stud bunny you are. You get to live with 2 girls. Lucky bun.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! What awesome progress... I think Tyler is periscoping to make sure there's no one within 100 miles that has seen that he just had his dignity handed to him by a confident young girl! I like the last caption!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

It looks like your hard work and patience are paying off. Yay to a happy bunny family!

PJ said...

I think I understand why I like buns so much: they're performance art!

Our 2 cats and dog have a dominance order but it centers mostly around treats/food. Compared to bundominance it's definitely more fluid. Bunnehs got focus.

Deb Cushman said...

Tyler is still the ultimate bun-man. It sounds like things are starting to relax a little.

loafingcactus said...

Good job, bun mom!

Friend of the Animals said...

This is so great so see. Glad it's working out.

RG said...

And .. And .. .. (holding breath) ..

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely to watch their progress, such adorable photos...

Julie said...

"vast whiteness." So funny!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Oh little dude. Just give up. It's never gonna happen. Girl buns rule. ~Fiona Bun

Erin said...

That's great! Good bonding:) Girl buns will always rule the roost though:)

Mary-Laure said...

Your bunnies are so expressive... The camera just loves them!

Unknown said...

Hey not bad at all!!! when I was in the hospital, out of blog land etc., I was thinking of the buns! and their tri-bonding :D Happy weekend D

RoadBunner said...

I am catching up with all your posts. Bravo!! Love all the photos and I am so happy they are on their way to being a happy threesome. Amelia is looking very beautiful lately! Love how her gray bits are coming in :)

tlchang said...

These bunny-integration adventures have been fascinating to watch - er, hear,-er, read! (Your bun-commentary in this last one was the best part :-).

I'm very glad for you that they all seem to be 'playing nicely' and together now.