Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday Bunday

A rabbit on every pot or Tyler visits the Fun House or ??????

In case you are wondering this is a giant stock pot used to make beans during the Burrito Revolution of '03-'04. Until that time it had been traditional for the 8th grade to sell lousy pizza to the rest of the school every Wednesday to make money for their class trip. Somehow I got roped into organizing burritos. Maybe because it was my idea. I tried to hire someone, but they bagged out, so I did it myself. With the help of three other brave comrades we turned ourselves and the school on it's head. Don't be too impressed there were only about 200 students. Fiasco's ? sure there were plenty. Like the very first time out of the chute, sort to speak,  the person delegated to counting the orders didn't really and we had to feed 2 whole classes with take-out burritos from the Mexican market. Or when some kid found a stone in her beans. And there was dissent within, as with so many idealistic movements. The true blue leader, yes, moi, was accused of trying to sabotage the beans! Sabotage and trying to ruin the whole project. This accusation confused me since the Revolution it was a raging success, we made more money half way through the year than last year's class had at the end of the year. But one of the comrades thought I should be using more salt. They gave me instructions on proper salt use, I followed said instructions and still was accused of  ruining the beans. Indeed of not even trying to add more salt. Ah well, I said, then you had better do the beans, I just can't get it right. Delegate, delegate, delegate.  as for the beans I thought they tasted OK, none of the kids had complained. One mom even said her children wouldn't eat any other kind of burrito. All movements carry a burden, a price that must be paid. For me, the Burrito Revolution demanded that at the end of the day I wouldn't even  be able to stand the thought of eating one of the retched things. But I did get to go to Costa Rica with the 8th grade, so it was worth it.


Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Funny story! And I love the bunny reflections. What did they think?

PJ said...

Costa Rica!!! Wow! Viva la Revolucion!

PJ said...

And I think it's very funny that the buns are checking out the stew pot. I'll bet there was some tongue waggling.

Anonymous said...

Much ado over burritos, who would have imagined! I'm glad you came through it in one piece, save for the burrito-phobia LOL!

RG said...

Whoa ... Tyler calls the pot "bunny" or the pot calls the bunny .. oh forget it. Great pix!

So ... you have been involved with - ah shall we say - somewhat demented capers - for some time even in the past eh? Can you talk a bit about your early childhood???

We tried to cook a big old pot of baked beans in a hole full of hot rocks and coals, all covered over for a night. We all gathered in the cold gray light of dawn and dug them up ... burned the bejeezes out of them!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Adorable photos of Tyler. We used to eat a lot of burritos in Malawi, strangely.

Deb Cushman said...

Ahhhh, memories! We've found that those events in our life are better looked back on that lived through! But the trip sounds like fun!

Unknown said...

What an interesting story D...sabotaging the beans and all haha :) Well worth it, esp when there's a trip thrown it, hugs/M

RoadBunner said...

Agree, great story! Thankless job this bean making, huh (minus the trip)?

Annette Tait said...

beans and bunnies! - Tyler looks wonderful, perhaps thinking how many flowers could go in there?

Mary-Laure said...

What a great story. I'd love to hear about your trip to Costa Rica.

And those pics? Hilarious.