Saturday, July 27, 2013


Valmagne Abbey was noteworthy for being very much beautifully restored having had the luck to be left mostly intact by various rioting hoardes. Currently, it boasted a medieval herb garden which had me rather excited. However, as it turned out the garden needed a bit of love so rather than start weeding, as was my impulse, I traipsed back to the cloister and its cool pinky greens. Having spent time in the garden patting the plants I didn't have enough time to do a proper on-sight drawing so I made some quick sketches and took photos. Later in the studio I worked up a more finished drawing using pastels. On returning home I did a much larger version using the pastel drawing and photo for reference. For this larger version I used 300 lb Arches watercolor paper, Inktense blocks and  colored pencils.
The sketch

Photo, shows the walls and floor not quite level or perpendicular also the pinkness of it all.
Pastel, oh and some colored pencel I think, I fought with this one, well I kind of fight with them all if truth be told.

Big version stage one.

Stage two....

Done, in that I can't do anymore, of wait maybe just a little tinkering in the shadow, just over there.....


Little Miss Titch said...

oh that's beautiful,I wish I was as good as you,I just don't get the time to practice lately but I am workin on it,xx Rachel

Crafty Green Poet said...

those are wonderful, real sense of depth in them

Jade said...

Oooooooooooooooooooooh, lovely! I don't know how you resisted the urge to weed--I'm not a gardener by nature, but I can't help pulling weeds when I see them.

Junara said...


Junara said...


PJ said...

Very intense work, love seeing the progression. Wonderful.

bunnits said...

Beautiful work.
I know what you mean about fighting with them. Unfortunately, most of the time I do not win.

RG said...

Nice! I'lda quit after number one and called it good!!!

RoadBunner said...

I've enjoyed all of your photos from your vacation. Your work is absolutely gorgeous! said...

nice work.

MoB said...

what a lovely place. you are lucky

Unknown said...

thank you very much for the quality of your articles are always fascinating.
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