Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today We had Rain

There was a lot of rain today, and the power was out for quite a while. During a brief break in the down pour some light of sorts shone from the sky.

Tyler and Sydney 03/24/2011


Lo said...

Oh, I do lov e those bunnies!

Jade said...

How nice of the Spots to keep their stone friend (Rock Hudson?) company until the power was restored.

RG said...

When we were kids we had no nighttime winter heat so mom would have big rocks in the wood oven all day and we would wrap them in towels to take in bed with us. All 16 kids with their rocks in the big corn-cob bed!

OK OK ...

But - I have been winter camping and we heat rocks in the fire in the afternoon and then bury them a few inches beneath the ground and then sleep on them - sweet!

So I am sure those two bunns have a similar benefical use or two for that dandy rock.

What kind of rock is it? Darrington Phyllite?

Crafty Green Poet said...

The Spots look so calm and peaceful here with their rock...

The Fab Furs said...

Hope the power outage didn't cause too much hardship. (After one of our refrigerators died, I just cringe every time the power goes out--wondering if the fridge will come back online or not.)

Does the rock have a name, or is it beyond such things?

Anonymous said...

One bun with the rock

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

"Let's rock this house at the bunny hop."

xx, shell