Thursday, June 05, 2008

Postcard From Home

There is a gas station just up the street and everyday the prices are higher. I cannot say for sure that the rise in gas prices has translated to less cars on the roads in Santa Cruz, California, but on the San Francisco Bay Area TV news some people were saying they would stay home this summer. The news caster termed this behavior as a "staycation". It was even reported that some people are trying to sell their SUVs, good luck on that. We won't be taking any sort of massive driving vacation, even though my car gets spiffy mileage (42 mpg freeway). Although my last really great vacation was about 20 years ago.....yes, I know I went to Costa Rica with the 8th grade four years ago as a chaperon, and it was different; men with sub-machine guns guarding restaurants is exciting; but one was always "on the job"; "Christina, the reason those men are staring at you is because you have barely any clothes on, most women in this country are little more covered, do you have a  full length Tee shirt?".  A really great vacation, in my mind, and I will have to take it in my mind, I think, is one where the vacationer becomes so immersed that she/he simply loses track of self and through this feels transformed. This occurrence cannot be planned, you just don't know what the trigger for the experience will be. This experience can happen at times other than vacation, but somehow it is special when it happens in new place, or one of particular splendor, or even one that required much traveling effort. It does seem to be easier to maintain this lost but good feeling when on vacation, I suppose that is why Europeans take a full month every single year. In an effort to find a small vacation a couple of weeks ago I took a very short trip up the coast with my new tiny traveling paint set and my new tiny paper and painted the above. It was an interesting challenge painting so small and all. I'm not sure if I achieved full lost immersion, but I did get a little taste of it. More on summer, including proper conduct during same for better health in the next season, with the next post.


RG said...

Yup - getting "native" always takes me about 4 days! With 11 bunns, what is this "vacation" thingy?? Our friends are all "fair weather" friends anymore!

Nice picture .. "Up the coast.." by Pt. Reyes?

Unknown said...

Hi there :)
That painting is awesome and very beautiful. How was Costa Rica, i've not a clue about this place, certainly sounds very exotic to me. 3 days ago, our government increased the fuel by 41% and diesel by 63%, a huge jump and shock to all Malaysians, considering we are an oil exporting nation. Lotus roots are used for boiling soup here, my mom boils it at least 2 times a month and it's everyone's favourite. it's supposed to be cooling for the body. I wonder if lotus can grow over at your place? Is it because of the cold weather?
Hugs always and have a bunnderful weekend :)

Tess Kincaid said...

Hello! Thanks for stopping by Willow Manor. I've always been fascinated by acupuncture! Enjoyed reading several of your posts. Cute rabbits! Loved your vintage family photos.

Anonymous said...

lovely painting, by you i imagine :-) i'm going on my first week long vacation in 2 years! only a 4 hr drive, i can get there on a tank of gas with some left (w00t). july oreilly, lakota and i are going to santa clara to visit Sam, oreilly's brother (i fostered them both) i'll have to call you for a tea to thank you again for my painting!

d. moll, said...

The vista point I did the painting from is just a little south of Anno Nuevo on HWY 1, not as far nirth as Point Reyes. Costa Rica is a small central American country, a bit south of Nicarugua/El Salvador sort of thing. My magic moment there was encountering an armadillo out for a full moon stroll. M of C, hope you vacated well, perhaps see you in July. ;)

Rima Staines said...

This is a really lovely painting Diana :)