Sunday, July 27, 2008

Monday Bunday:

Brancusi or Buncusi ?
Eat to the beat.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Artist's Proof

Latest print does not have a rabbit in it, here it is anyway; 5 by 7 inches, two colors and black. It's anatomny breaks down as follows. Based on my own humble calligraphy, the larger black characters mean health and healing, they are always used together.

The red block is based on a page from a rather curious woodblock accordion book of Taoist origin dating from the Ming Dynasty, approximately 1444. The book, a reprint of a lost 12th century work, is titled Talismans and Diagrams of the Wondrous Scripture of Supreme Rank on the Infinite Salvation of Numinous Treasure this page is a talisman for summoning the nine transformations of great obscurity. Probably a very handy thing to know.

The green block is columns of characters relating to important concepts in Chinese Medicine. From the top these are Yin, Yang, Heaven Human, Earth, Qi, Blood, Shen (spirit), and Jing (essence). 

OK, here are some rabbits. I had some more printing tries at my first design. I am getting better at the solid background, but I see I need to do a little fiddling with the second block to get it just right.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Bunday Award

Not actually watching wrestling, just changed the channel for and interesting image juxtaposition. The Qi Papers is honored to have received  the Brillante Weblog award from Crafty Green Poet. You can see it on the right of your screen. To whom to pass this award  was very difficult because I love reading all the blogs. It is an easy way to satisfy both my enjoyment of eavesdropping and desire to read other peoples diaries (which I really don't have the opportunity to do anyway).  I do suspect that once this award is introduced into the rabbit blogosphere community it will be passed on to all deserving buns and humans, and that would be ALL of them. That said, we, the rabbits and I, pass this award on to:
Houseful of Rabbits; living with lots and lots of rabbits, Rabbit's Guy moonlights as a Lagomorph tour manager with the 7-Bunny-7.
Furry Butts;  great pics and stories about rabbit housemates.
Freckles and Deb; an ongoing docubundrama.
Woodblock Dreams; no rabbits here, I think Annie Bissett has a dog, but she shares her woodblocks from start to finish. 
Homesteading in a Condo; rabbits, worms, plants and good food with occasional rants about Big Agriculture and etc....
The Hermitage; a UK artist, Rima Staines,  writing about her life and works, blog is a veritable wonderland of links, make a pot of tea and settle in.
Middle of Nowhere, another UK artist, Gretal Parker, who writes, always entertaining, great photos.
Amy and Fez, the story of a rescued rabbit with amazing ears and his housemates.

If you are one of the above you can pick up your award here
Please take this as the honor that is is and pass it on to some of the sites you enjoy. The rules of accepting are as follows:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Tyler and Sydney Present

Tyler and Sydney present Spots of a Different Ilk
Spots are quite fashionable on animals and can enhance any  form. For instance we traveled down to Watsonville to visit farmers Jean and Bob last week and found a good example. 

Look closely under the tree, is that you Ty? No, is it you Syd? Those are some cute piglets. Yeah they sure are, and those are some classic momma pig shapes too. 

These pigs are Gloucestershire Old Spots, they are the oldest pedigreed pig. Hey, that's what they say about us! We're not pigs, Sydney, well I'm not. You eat like one. Hush, this is being recorded. We are English Spots and it is written that Spots are the the oldest of breed of Fancy Rabbits. I guess the English have a thing for spotted animals.

 Here's a closer look at the piglets. Why is that one on the left kind of reddish? Oh, that one is showing his grandfather's breeding which is a Red Welsh. I like the black on white better, I don't know why.....OK, so that is our show on Spots. Do you think people liked it, Sydney? I don't know, I feel like maybe they weren't interested. Maybe they don't know what ilk means. What does it mean? It means family, kind or class. Hmmm, well at least it was a correct use of the word.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Moku Hanga Monday Bunday III

The need to practice printing, paper and ink finally conjuncted in a sort of print marathon in which much was learned and much is left to learn. Here is Bandit again, slightly different colors and an added feature; bokashi. That's the gradation along the top, I used Prussian blue. The ears are not as pink as my screen seems to think, but they are, decidedly too pink.  It is getting a little closer, refinements will be made. As an actual rabbit Bandit needed no refinements, she was quintessential, though plagued with health problems mostly stemming from poor teeth. She was purchased from the local feed store as a sort of therapy pet for my son when I got divorced and he and I moved into an studio apartment. She was an ideal diversion; special (who else has a rabbit loose in their home), soft, full of personality, and a very capable side kick for budding ventriloquists. Through out her life she gave selflessly from making sure no one got shut in the bathroom to working with her vet to develop the "Bandit Tooth Trim Mask"; a device that allowed the vet to trim teeth with the grinder (preferable to clipping which can split the tooth root) without having  to anesthetize the rabbit. I always felt comforted when she slept under my bed and one time when I had had pneumonia but still felt breathless I bent over to pet her and when I stood up my breathing was better. True, I swear it. I nursed her through tooth operations, pneumonia, bronchitis, jaw abscess, tooth breakage, and eye injury. I learned how to give injections, subQ fluids,  and how to nebulise and do a sinus flush. Together we experienced rabbit herbal medicine, acupuncture, and the use of Flower Essences. But really, she is mostly remembered for her beauty, sense of humor, and great flower like ears which could open and close, swivel and adjust in ever marvelous ways. Often missed always loved; Bandit B. Rabbit ruled from May 1998 to April 2007.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Our 'Fridge

We got tagged by DKM with the 'Fridge meme. Here is our entry. If anyone would like to pick up this hot potato meme from here, feel free!

I have never bought a 'fridge, either there has been a 'fridge in situ or a neighbor foisted theirs upon me. This is Boyfriend's 'fridge, I have lived with it for about three years. It is 20 years old, he doesn't believe in replacing a thing until it has completely broken. I suggested that a newer 'fridge might be kinder to the electric bill, but it would seem that the man at the 'fridge shop said the old ones actually have better motors. The pig tapestry has been there for 15 years and covers some stickers children put on and the dingy whiteness that 'fridges develop in advanced age. Also decorating  the front is a picture of Tyler taken when he first came to live with us, one of my Year of the Pig cards and small magnet of the Virgin of the Gaudalupe, whose imagery I like very much. 
Inside you see the internal organs of a hard working 'fridge, there is no freezer. Hard to believe, but as you can see quite true. Here is a partial list of the bits and pieces: Shoyu, Pomegranate concentrate, sesame butter,  raw apple cider vinegar, raw whole milk from a cow with whom we are friends, homemade Kefir from same, Catsup (from habits die hard), Steiner Brot (the Black Brot is all gone) from Esther's Bakery,  South River Miso, eggs from Chickens which whom we are friends, almonds, leftover pasta sauce, beet and fennel salad, fresh tofu skin (Yuba), some Chinese herbs (Lian Zi, Hong Zao) raw cheddar cheese, Burdock root, Niman Ranch Bacon, fresh ginger, Whey for making fermented drinks,  some apricot jam, a pound of organic grassfed ground round,  carrots, red lettuce, a bell pepper or two,  a gallon of homemade sauerkraut, Parmesan, Feta, and Rabbit food. Tyler and Sydney love the expensive Spring Mix from the Farmer's Market, I have tried giving them well washed and nicely presented cuttings from the FM, but they turn up their noses. They will eat Romaine and I get them a head twice a week. Also on menu Lagomorph is parsley, cilantro, basil, dill, fennel, dandelion, and chard stalks, these are from the garden. Sometimes they get a bit of grated carrot. Treats are roses and dried lavender stalks. Sometimes I will buy them a box of sprouted wheat grass and it is gone in under a minute. Rabbits and humans try to eat fresh, local and organic foods.

Here is Tyler demonstrating how to eat greens and Sydney making an anti-paparazzi statement.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Alas and Alack

The Rabbit Blogosphere has lost another of it's finest: Tidbit. She was a marvelous white rabbit from Texas with a story that would put Cinderella to shame. You can read it here, have  hanky at the ready. We were just getting over the passing of Houseful's Stanley, and now this, Tyler and Sydney were terribly shocked and dismayed, but managed to bang out this Bunhaiku. As you can tell a Bunhaiku doesn't have the same rules as a traditional Haiku, in fact it doesn't seem to have any rules at all. This suits rabbits just fine.

We cry
Tidbit shaped tears
Our ears are wet.

Be in peace Tidbit and hugs to your family.